Boot Camp & Units

Boot Camp

Boot Camp is the place where you can send Untrained Soldiers to be trained into a specific area or hire Mercenaries to aid your army in battle.
Boot Camp is essentially the "Training" page.



  • Train/Hire Cost: How much gold it costs to train a unit for the specific stat.
  • Strength: How much strength the unit provides on its own (with their bare hands) towards it's military stat(s).
  • Income p/t: How much gold per turn the unit generates(as income).
  • Efficiency: The efficiency at which the unit uses the item that they hold, how much of the item's strength that the unit uses during battle. Efficiency is displayed as a multiplier so x1 means 100%, x0.5 means 50% and x1.5 means 150%.
  • Resistance: How resistant the unit is to dying during battle, the higher the resistance, the less likely they are to die, which results in less casualties.
  • Untrain/Fire Cost: how much gold it costs to untrain or fire the unit from its trained stat.
Units & Soldiers
Type Train Cost Strength Income p/t Item Efficiency Resistance Untrain Cost
Untrained Soldiers
(Untrained Soldier)
0 1 30
Notice: Undefined index: effic in /var/www/ on line 52
x1.00 NA
Trained Attack Soldiers
(Attack Soldier)
2,000 5 20
Notice: Undefined index: effic in /var/www/ on line 52
x2.00 0
Trained Defense Soldiers
(Defense Soldier)
2,000 5 20
Notice: Undefined index: effic in /var/www/ on line 52
x2.00 0
(Spy Soldier)
2,000 5 10
Notice: Undefined index: effic in /var/www/ on line 52
x2.00 NA
(Sentry Soldier)
2,000 5 10
Notice: Undefined index: effic in /var/www/ on line 52
x2.00 NA
Type Hire Cost Strength Income p/t Item Efficiency Resistance Fire Cost
Attack Mercenaries
(Attack Specialist)
5,000 0 0
Notice: Undefined index: effic in /var/www/ on line 83
x1.25 NA
Defense Mercenaries
(Defense Specialist)
5,000 0 0
Notice: Undefined index: effic in /var/www/ on line 83
x1.25 NA
Untrained Mercenaries
(Untrained Specialist)
3,000 100 0
Notice: Undefined index: effic in /var/www/ on line 83
x0.75 NA

Untrained vs Train

Untrained Soldiers are partially trained in multiple fields including labour hence why they generate more income then any other unit. Untrained Soldiers have half the resistance to dying compared to trained units which. This means that not training your Untrained Soldiers will generate you the most income and that training them into other units will lower your income, but they will have a high death rate and more will die. Although training Untrained Soldiers will lower your income, it will drastically lower your casualties not to mention your weapons will be used more efficiently during battle missions.