
My account is Locked! What does this mean?
This means that your account has temporally been locked, with very limited access. You are also removed from the currently running game and are labeled as unRanked Why is my account locked? below are a few reasons why your account may be locked - You did not verify your email within the given time frame, so your account is simply locked until you verify your email - You are/were directly or in-directly related to a bad bug that could have potentially given all players involved an advantages/disadvantage, so your account is locked to help contain the bug. An example would be if your gold or income sky rockets into the trillions, or if they went below zero into the negative. - You are caught breaking rules or abusing bugs What can I do? - Send and receive messages from other players - Post in the game chat - Visit all pages - Unlock and reactivate your account, if the game says you can What can't I do? - Receive attack turns, income and unit production - Submit any forms (except the ones mentioned above) - Buy, sell or repair weapons and tools - Train and untrain units, hire and fire mercenaries - Purchase any upgrades - Click in the recruiter - Attack, spy or sabotage other players - Be attacked, spied on or sabotaged by other players - Change your email, password or account options - Reset or delete your account Other notes! - Only when and if the game says so, can you unlock and re-activate your account - In majority cases you will receive a message from an admin, explaining the reasoning behind your account being locked